What is your morning routine like?

Maybe even the word routine is a bit strong for what happens in your house in the morning! But I’m sure there are a few things you do every morning.Whether it is cleaning your teeth,getting some breakfast, or like many of us lifting our phones as soon as we wake to check social media.
Interestingly, Youtube is full of vloggers and celebrities discussing their morning rituals. You can find thousands of people willing to share their life hacks on how to be more productive. Showing you how to get that morning work out in and the importance of setting your clothes out the night before!
All good advice, but sadly most of us watch these videos late at night and then wake up in a rush after hitting the snooze button 5 times!
The question we should be asking is what would Jesus’ morning routine look like.
Although every morning of the Lord Jesus’ life is not recorded in the Bible, we do have an account of what seems to have been typical morning for the Him here on earth, in Mark 1: 34-39.
34 And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. 36 And Simon and those who were with him searched for him, 37 and they found him and said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” 39 And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons
What did Jesus’ morning routine look like?
The verses begin with an account of very busy day in the life of the Lord Jesus, one filled with service; healing and casting out devils. We read in v 38-39 that the next day for Jesus was also going to be marked by busy service. So having just completed a busy day and with a full schedule for tomorrow we might expect that the Lord Jesus would choose to take it easy in the morning. However we see even when Jesus was at His most busy, He still prioritised prayer!
We read in V35 of the Lord Jesus’ morning routine. He began each day free from distractions in talking to his Father.
We can learn number things from our Lord’s morning routine:
He got up early…
Now this is not easy, especially for teenagers (its medically proven), but it is really important to start good habits young (Proverbs 22:6). No one expects you to get up at 4.30am every morning to pray, but what about setting your alarm just 10 minutes earlier? Waking up and committing your day to God, will mean you will have begun the day being proactive rather than reactive. Instead of hurling yourself into the days stresses and strains, how much better to begin by talking to the one who holds this world in His hands. Nothing worth doing comes easy, in fact it always involves some form of sacrifice. The Lord Jesus’ morning routine involved sacrifice and so should yours.
He looked for a place free from distraction…
The Lord went out form His house and away form the people he was staying with so he could have some uninterrupted time with God.
This world is not set up to help us find silence and solitude. Distractions are all around us.
When was the last time you went for a walk without headphones?Or left your phone at home when you went shopping!?
We are the generation who struggle to watch a film without checking our phone every 5 minutes.
This all makes finding a time and place in your day for silent, solitary reflection in prayer is even more important. You don't have to climb the nearest mountain to do this. The Lord Jesus himself advised us to find a room, close the door and pray to God (Matthew 6:6)
Jesus valued prayer above all else.
Lastly we learn from the Lord Jesus’ morning routine was that He valued prayer above all else. Despite the business of His life and the many demands people put on Him, He did not use these as an excuse. Instead, He got up early and found a place without distraction so he could talk with God.
So how’s your morning going?
Have taken sometime to talk to God?
No time in prayer is wasted.
As we begin a new month why not commit to beginning each day in prayer and see what happens!